battering trains造句

"battering trains"是什么意思   


  1. After driving Soult back across the frontier, Wellington waited until the rest of the battering train and sufficient supplies of shot had arrived from England before he again turned his attention to San Sebasti醤.
  2. He was at the disastrous Battle of New Orleans, but returned to Europe in time for the Quatre Bras and Waterloo on the artillery staff of Wellington's army, and subsequently commanded the British battering train at the sieges of the French fortresses left behind the advancing allies.
  3. The reduction of the fortresses left in rear of the British and Prussian armies, adjoining their main line of operations, was handled by a Coalition force under the command of Prince Augustus of Prussia, with the Prussian II Corps, assisted by the British Battering Train, was effected in the following manner:
  4. Similar orders were conveyed to Cologne, Wesel, and M黱ster : and, by way of precaution, an express was sent to Liege for the removal of the battering train to Maastricht; as also for the destruction, in case of danger, of the iron foundry in the arsenal of the former place.
  5. It's difficult to find battering trains in a sentence. 用battering trains造句挺难的


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  5. "battering train"造句
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  7. "batteringram"造句
  8. "batterings"造句
  9. "batteriser"造句
  10. "batterlike"造句

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